Report an Incident

Let's all work together to make the Saint Mary's College campus a safer environment to learn and work.
Contact Campus Safety
- Phone: (925) 631-4282
- Email:
- (Note: This email is for administrative use only and is not monitored in real time.)
- Gael Safe App
- You can submit reports and tips anonymously through the Gael Safe App, which allows for the inclusion of photos, videos, or audio.
Online Report Form
Campus Security Authority (CSA) Reporting Form
The form below is the CSA Report Form. A Campus Security Authority (CSA) is designated by the College under the Clery Act to receive and report criminal incidents to the Department of Campus Safety for inclusion in the College’s Annual Security Report. CSAs have completed training in handling crime reports, victim support, and related school policies. This form may also be used to assess whether a timely warning or security alert should be issued to the College community. College CSAs should complete this form and email it to
Contact Moraga Police or Fire Department
- Emergency Phone: 911
- Non-emergency Phone: (925) 284-5010
Officer Conduct
As part of SMC Campus Safety’s ongoing commitment to exceptional service, we welcome your feedback. To share information about outstanding or disappointing service, or to file a complaint about the conduct of a Campus Safety staff member, please contact us through one of the following methods:
- In person: Visit Campus Safety at Assumption Hall
- By mail: 1928 Saint Mary’s Road, Moraga, CA 94575
- By email:
- By phone: 925-631-8097
Service complaints and allegations of misconduct will be investigated promptly and with fairness, neutrality, and impartiality. The Executive Director of Campus Safety will review all investigations and, in collaboration with Human Resources, decide on appropriate corrective measures. Those who file formal complaints will receive written notification of the outcome.